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Paper submission is now closed.

We welcome original work at all stages of development: papers can describe applied systems, empirical results or theoretically grounded positions.

Submissions should be either full papers (10 pages), or short papers (5 pages). All submissions should be formatted according to the general UMAP2011 submission guidelines and must adhere to the Springer LNCS format (see the example document with author instructions).

Submission of papers will be made through the EasyChair conference management system on this page. Note that, to submit, you will need to create a personal account on EasyChair, if you do not already have one.

Please note that you are expected to submit the paper's abstract by April 8th, and the paper itself by April 15th April 22nd.

Papers will be peer reviewed by the workshop's programme committee. Accepted papers will be included in the workshop proceedings and will be published on this site.