Latest news:
Prof. Gloria Mark to deliver a keynote speech at the workshop.
The workshop will be a full-day one, and will take place on Friday, July 15th.
The list of accepted papers is now online.
The International Workshop on Adaptive Support for Team Collaboration (ASTC 2011) aims to bring together researchers from different scientific fields and research communities to exchange experiences and discuss the topic of how collaboration within teams can be supported through the employment of adaptivity that is grounded on the characteristics of the teams and their individual members, their activities and social bonds. The workshop will be structured around a number of main questions, including:
- How can we model teams as entities with their individual and collective characteristics, social evolution, maturity, etc?
- Which (types of activities) can be monitored during the collaboration process, and how can their significance be established?
- What are the types of interventions that may have a beneficial effect on collaboration?
- What are the possible roles of a system in this respect?
- What are the effects of the application domain on the collaboration process, and on the ways in which this can be supported?
- What social and group processes are important for team collaboration and how can these be supported using UMAP techniques?
For more information on the workshop's motivation and solicited contributions, please refer to the call for papers.
On this site you can also find instructions for submission, information about the organizers and programme committee, and, eventually, the workshop's schedule and proceedings.
For any questions regarding the workshop please contact the workshop's organizers at: astc2011 \at gmail \dot com. If you would like to stay informed about developments related to the workshop, don't forget to subscribe to our news feed .
This workshop is being sponsored by the DICODE and ASCOLLA projects.